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April 13, 2023


Partícula Extravagante

Contact Improvisation Workshop with Underscore





Data limite

29 de abril 2023


Lisboa (1100-245)


CPBC Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo, Rua do Açúcar, 31-35, Beato, Lisbon, Portugal


We (Rita, Viktória, Jakob) like to invite you to celebrate both the practice of Contact Improvisation Dance as well as the life work of Nancy, with a workshop, discussion, and the facilitation of a 4h longa Under_Score.

We are going to address the following questions: what is CI for us in the present time? How can we rely on the momentum, the space, the gravity, our soft bones and tissues and on each other? How can we create a safe space together which is full of curiosity, risk taking, care and also just the pure joy of being and dancing together. What can we do together that we cannot do alone. This is how you can take part of our research group:


--> SATURDAY 29th April 2023
10h-13h workshop
13h- 15h lunch
15h-15h45 Q+A
16h- 19h workshop
20h30- 22h jam

--> SUNDAY 30th April 2023
10h- 13h workshop
13h- 15h lunch
15h- 15h45 Q+A
16h- 18h workshop
19h-20h30 Under_Score introduction
20h30-22h jam

-->MONDAY 1st May 2023
11h-13h workshop
13h-15h lunch
15h- 15h45 Q+A
16h-20h Under_Score
20h-: party

CPBC Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo
Rua do Açúcar, 31-35, Beato, Lisbon, Portugal


RITA VILHENA Choreographer, performer and contemporary dance researcher. Her main motivation is the idea of transformation and participation, driven by intuition and pleasure. The latest works #VIBRA#DOR and CORPO SANTO are marks of her artistic trajectory of interest in ritual and performance, and now with MA-MA and Pela Nossa Pele, in the anthropocene and ecofeminism. In 2005 she created and directed Baila Louca improvisation and performance, Rotterdam, a platform for international collaboration. She won the 1st prize at the Solo Dance Contest (2012, Gdansk Dance Festival). In PT she is the founding artistic director of Partícula Extravagante. Since 2005 she is active in the practice of Contact Improvisation, facilitates CI around the world and co-organizes the PT Festival Contacto Improvisação. She is a guest teacher at ESD and other European European universities, as well as in several international festivals. Master in Performing Arts (FCSH), PhD student in Artistic Studies (FCSH), and part of the research Grup Performance Cognition at ICNOVA. ritavilhena.com

VIKTÓRIA MAKRA Hungarian contemporary artist. Teacher, performer, director, puppeteer; based in Lisbon. My last 20 years in theatre helped her to travel the world, her last 15 years in contact improvisation helped her to understand it. Or at least to ask better questions... Important CI-teachers include Eszter Gál, Péter Lipka, Tamás Bakó, Anya Cloud, Alex Guex and Scott Wells.

JAKOB MACHÉ has been practicing contact improvisation for over 15 years, being part of the CI-scene in Berlin for many years, living in Nigeria for four years exchanging dance and movement, teaching workshops at festivals in Togo, Benin, Nigeria and weekend workshops in Austria, Germany, France, USA, Poland and Portugal. He had the privilege to have learned from various first generations CI-dancers and tries to keep the early insights alive. He was part of more than 10 underscores facilitated by Nancy herself, and learned from her at various occasions.


EARLY BIRD (till April 16th) /FULL PRICE
1️⃣Option 3 days 125€ EB / 150€
2️⃣Option 2 days (sunday+monday) 95€ EB/110€
3️⃣Option 1 day (saturday) 50€ EB / 75€

🥸Registration and details: bookingextravagante@gmail.com
whatsapp: 927 310 107

Data de realização

29 de abril até 1 de maio 2023

Como inscrever-se




varias opções (1 dia, 2 dias, 3 dias) 50€--150€


email: bookingextravagante@gmail.com
telemóvel: 927 310 107


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03 Lisboa

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