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Screenplay contest - The Expat Movie
April 17, 2024


Mocho Coxo

Screenplay contest - The Expat Movie


Concurso / Prémio




All over the world




Dear Writers, Filmmakers, and Storytellers,

Are you ready to embark on a journey that delves into the lives of expats living in the captivating locales of Portugal and Luxembourg? Look no further! We are thrilled to announce "THE EXPAT MOVIE" screenplay contest, where we're on the hunt for 5-7 short stories that will come together to create an unforgettable episodic feature film.

Drawing inspiration from the likes of "Night on Earth" or "Wild Tales", infused with the modern sensibilities of series such as "High Maintenance" we invite you to explore the lives of expats in a manner that is both humorous and thought-provoking. We are seeking narratives that will have audiences alternating between laughter and tears, stories that peel back the layers of these characters' lives to reveal their joys, struggles, and everything in between.

Let us ask the question: What is an expat? Is it simply someone living abroad, or does it entail a deeper connection to their new homeland? Who are these people and why are they living in a different country from where they were born? Why have they chosen to make a new country their home? What challenges do they face, and what triumphs do they celebrate? Are they ambitious discoverers of other cultures, romantic dreamers or 21st century colonialists? Dive deep into their worlds and uncover the extraordinary tales that await. Be inspired by reality, but don't stop there. Get intimate and tell us amazing stories.

We are looking for stories that can be set either in Portugal or Luxembourg, with characters from those countries, or from third countries who come to live in those two nations. Written in English, Portuguese or Luxembourgish, with dialogues in other languages possible if the story requires it.

We are offering a grand prize of 1500€ to the best screenplay, with an additional 500€ for the runner-up. If the movie goes into production of course all the stories chosen will be further rewarded.

So, dust off your keyboards, unleash your creativity, and let your imagination run wild. Submit your screenplay to us and be a part of bringing "THE EXPAT MOVIE" to life on the silver screen.

Join us on this exciting adventure!

WHO WE ARE: At MOCHO COXO, we're not just filmmakers, we're full-blown enthusiasts! We firmly believe that enthusiasm is the secret sauce to cooking up a storm in the world of filmmaking. With our seasoned squad, we're not afraid to dive into the deep end of creativity, eagerly embracing new ideas like a kid in a candy store. Because let's face it, life's too short for dull stories! So, join us on this wild ride as we sprinkle a dash of humour, a pinch of hope, and a whole lot of Mocho Coxo magic into every project we create!

Mocho Coxo is an independent, Lisbon based production company (comitiva da cedilha LDA) founded by 3 partners to chase their dream of crafting captivating films.

Contact: expatmovie@gmail.com
Deadline: June 30th 2024
Format to submit: Screenplay, 15-20 pages, pdf
Language: English, Portuguese, Luxembourgish; dialogue in other languages possible;
Multiple entries by the same writer are possible

Data de realização

Deadline: June 30th 2024





Data limite de Candidatura

June 30, 2024


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Screenplay contest - The Expat Movie


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Screenplay contest - The Expat Movie
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